
Showing posts from March, 2022

The Idols Among Us

  Christians are supposed to worship God alone, but we seem to slip into idol worship on a regular basis … Join us for a discussion about “Surprising Christian Idols” … on “The Way”.

Mythical Christian Idols

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - Idols Among Us

Anti-Christian Disney Again

  Disney once again shows they are not a Christian family friendly organization and serves as a main predator to indoctrinate kids to non-biblical views and values.

Big Buts on the Mountain Part 3

  Having faith that there is a God is no real accomplishment, but trusting in God is the real goal of our faith in God. Join us for discuss on our third episode about “Big Buts on the Mountain‘ … on The Way

Human Buts

  Coffee Break on The Way with /Leslie King - Big Buts part 3

Stern Buts

  Coffee Break on The Way w/ Mark Scott Grimmett - Big Buts part 3

Big Buts on the Mountain 2

  As humans our natural impulse is self-gratification and self preservation, but life is more than gratification and preservation. Join us for a discuss on how Jesus turns those upside down with our 2nd episode Big Buts on the Mountain ... on The Way

Covenant Buts

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - Big Buts Part 2

Nothing Buts

  Coffee Break on The Way w/ Mark Scott Grimmett - Big Buts part 2

Big Buts on the Mountain Part 1

  Electrical impulses from the brain send signals for us to carry out commands similar to a robot, But there is so much more to our actions than mechanical responses, join us for a discussion about “Big Buts on the Mountain” ... on The Way.

Leveling the Mountain

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - Big Buts on the Mountain 1

Clinging to the Mountain

  Coffee Break on the Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - Big Buts on the Mountain 1

Depart from Me

  Arguing and debating with a person in authority rarely goes well and we see this when so-called Christians debate with Jesus about how they are his followers, come join us for a discussion on “Depart - The Scariest Word in the Bible” on The Way.

Arrogant Departing

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - Depart from me

Departing Judgement

  Depart from Me Coffee Break w/Mark Scott Grimmett

Prophecy - Preached in Every Nation

  Bible prophecy continues to unfold in modern times and it is unfolding in supernatural ways. Join us for a prophecy discussion about “Preaching of The Gospel in Every Nation” … on The Way.

Present in Every Nation

  Coffee Break on the Way w/Leslie King - Prophecy - Every Nation

Nuggets of the Nations

  Coffee Break on the Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett

The Rhema - Living Words

  Christianity is the only religion on the planet earth that claims to give its followers an unearthly and supernatural power, come join us for a discussion about “The Rhema - Living Words” on The Way.

Living Voice

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - The Rhema

Spiritual Words

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - The Rhema

The Ruach - Great Wind

  The most important things in life are not what we can see with our eyes, but those things that we can see and feel with our heart and soul, come join us for a discussion about “The Ruach - Great Wind” on “The Way”.

The Indwelling Wind

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - The Ruach

The Mountain Winds

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - The Ruach

Into the Darkness

  Jesus bravely came into the darkness on a rescue mission and we commonly just want to be raptured out as quickly as possible to avoid the darkness … How is that Christ-like? Join us for a discussion about going into “Into the Darkness” on The Way.

Escaping the Darkness

  Coffee Break on the Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - Into The Darkness

The Stumbler

  Even things that are not considered a sin can be an offense against the Cross of Christ, Join us for a discussion about “The Stumbler” … on “The Way”.

Stumbling Super Hero's

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - The Stumbler

Stumbling in Liberty

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - The Stumbler

Putin Quotes the Bible

  Quoting the bible is the oldest trick in the bible used by Satan to make evil seem good. Crowds forced to attend Putin rally are fed charismatic slogans and bible verses to make the invasion of Ukraine look heroic.

God Doubles Down

  The Old Testament had many laws and regulations to guide mankind through his own efforts, but a common misunderstanding is when God “upped the ante and even doubled down” on the expectations for Christians with the New Testament, join us for a discussion on how “God Doubles Down” …. on “The Way”.

Seeker Double Down

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - God Doubles Down

I'm the Double Down

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - God Doubles Down

Prophecy - The Great Falling Away

  Bible prophecy tells us that many will abandon the faith in the last days and that is what we are seeing in the US. Come join us for a discussion about “Prophecy - The Great Falling Away” on “The Way”.

Bloody Falling Away

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - A Great Falling Away

Escaping a Falling Away

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King -A Great Falling Away

Wait in Time

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Marl Scott Grimmett - Wait for it ...

God's First and Deadliest Gift

  If there is a loving God, why does Satan and evil seem to have as much authority as he does? Join us for a discussion about “God’s First and Deadliest Gift” on The Way.

Double Edged Gift

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - God's First and Deadliest

Boundaries of the Gift

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - God's First and Deadliest

Mere Men

  Many social issues are rooted in stereotyping which can lead to prejudices, as Christians we can have a spiritual stereotyping that leads to a dismemberment in the body of Christ. Join us as we discuss being “Mere Men”... on The Way

Toxic Men

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - Mere Men

Jealous Men

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - Mere Men

Texas Transgender Battle

  There continues to be a battle for transgender rights, but how do we process that as Christians, parents and the in medical context? Join us for a discussion about "The Texas Minor Transgender Battle' on ... Oh, By the Way!

Dinosaurs and Jesus

  Knowledge is said to increase in the last days, but does that mean all knowledge is accurate? Join us for a discussion about “dinosaurs and Jesus” … on The Way.

Dinosaurs from Nuttin!

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - Dinosaurs and Jesus

Faith In Dinosaurs??

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - Dinosaurs and Jesus

The Great Hostage Crisis

  God has the power to wipe out all that he has created with one word, so why does he allow Satan to continue fighting when the war has been won? Join us for a discussion about “The Great Hostage Crisis” … on “The Way”.

Foolish Hostage

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - The Great Hostage Crisis

A Willing Hostage

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - The Great Hostage Crisis

It's all about the Trees Part 2

  Trees can represent so many things, they can tell the history of their environments and they have become a key part of our human history. Joining us for “It’s all about the Trees Part 2” … on The Way.

Only God and A Tree

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - It's All About the Trees Part 2

The Meaning of a Tree

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - It's All About the Trees Part 2

It's All About the Trees Part 1

  Trees are an amazing life giving creation that provide us food, shelter, warmth and the very air we breathe. Come join us for a discussion “It’s all about the Trees” … on The Way.

The Timeless Tree

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - It's All About the Trees Part 1

Sinful Trees

  Coffee Break on The Way with Leslie King - It's All about the Trees Part 1

"IF" - The Loneliest Word in the Bible

  We have this great heavenly gift from God at the cross, but did you know you could opt-out of having an ongoing relationship and blessings following salvation. Join us for a discussion about the word “If” The Loneliest Word in the Bible .. on "The Way".

"IF" .. small, yet Great!

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - "IF' - The Loneliest Word in Scripture

Not "IF", But "When"

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - "If"-The Loneliest Word in Scripture

Doctrine of Demons

  One of the most effective strategies used by Satan is to convince people he and his army do not exist. Join us for a discussion about the Doctrine of Demons on The Way.

Joining the Demons

  Coffee Break on The Way with Mark Scott Grimmett - Doctrine of Demons

Demonic Accountability

  Coffee Break on The Way with Leslie King - Doctrine of Demons

Wait for it ...

  Our spiritual growth is closely connected to something called spiritual cliffhangers, in the face of peril God never arrives too late or too soon for a very good reason. Join us for a discussion called “Wait for it” on The Way.

The Judgment of the Truth

  Not everyone that claims to be a Christian holds the same view about the faith and that can be very confusing for people seeking truth. Join us for for another episode on "The Way".

The Judgment of Dreamers

  Coffee Break on The Way with Mark Scott Grimmett-The Judgement of Truth

Rejecting Judgement

  Coffee Break on The Way with Leslie King - The Judgement of Truth

Walking in the Truth

  Lip service is the easiest doctrine to follow because it does not require any effort in order to live out the belief system, and is simply a religious system of hypocrisy. Join us for our next episode The Battle for Truth on "The Way"!

The Road to Walk

  Coffee Break on The Way with Mark Scott Grimmett - Walking in Truth

Purpose of the Walk

  Coffee Break on The Way with Leslie King - Walking in Truth

The Spirit of Truth

  We see truth under attack like never before, news outlets seem to report their political opinion and not facts, the truth seems to be almost entirely absent in government, and there are debates related to one's biological sex. Join us in this discussion about The Spirit of Truth on "The Way"!

Mighty Spirit

  Coffee Break on The Way with Mark Scott Grimmett - Spirit of Truth

Crazy Spirit

  Coffee Break on The Way with Leslie King - Spirit of Truth

Roe vs God

  Recent 15-week abortion ban in Mississippi has the potential to overturn Roe vs Wade viability standard … game on Satan… Roe vs God! Human life begins at conception!

The Testimony of Truth

  There is a growing persecution of Christians globally and that is expected to continue for the unforeseeable future with a shift in the global religious demographics, come join us for a discussion about the Testimony of Truth on "The Way".

The Cost of Truth

Coffee Break on The Way with Mark Scott Grimmett  

The Foundation of Truth

  Coffee Break on The Way with Leslie King

Pope Francis, Christians and LGTBQ Youth

  Francis Pope addresses parents with LGTB youth with a message to be “present”. There is a growing number of teenagers identifying as non-heterosexuals says the CDC and Christians and Catholics alike need to learn how to engage the LGTB without surrendering their biblical values.

An Act of Great Evil

  Isis leader kills his children in a US military raid in Syria proving once again that radical Islamic views are cowardly, narcistic and not Godly at all.

Ukraine’s Christian Offensive

  Russian invasion of Ukraine does not stop Ukrainian Christians and pastors from the work of the Gospel.

Bible = Hate Crimes .. Crazy huh?

  Your not allowed to believe in the bible or tell people about the bible. The previous Finland Interior Minister is on trial for sharing a bible verse on twitter that does not approve of a homosexual lifestyle. See how the bible is on trial in Finland and coming soon to your country!!

Satan Conference .... Reaaaally!

  Arizona Satan Conference with raising satanic children, pro-abortion and after school Satan club met with Christian opposition …