
Millennial/Gen Z Revolution

Because of the focus on rules, money and politics, we have seen a “rise of the nones”, the no religious affiliation of Millennials and Gen Z’s … but many are sensing an upcoming movement with young people that will be action oriented and accompanied with the supernatural.

Stone Cold

Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - Getting Stoned

Awesome Pelosi Ban!

Pelosi banned from taking communion for her evil pro-abortion propaganda. Like Biden and so many other they fake a belief on Sunday, take communion and then lead the charge against God and life.

From Now On ...

God’s sovereignty is above reproach, regardless of what mankind or Satan wants to think. Join us for discussion about God saying to his creation “From Now On..” on The Way.

Draconian Disinformation Board

Russia, China and North Korea monitor and control public beliefs, viewpoints and will determine what is true. The US President and political elites are positioning themselves to censor public information and opinion. From his past record, there is no doubt that Christian doctrine and values are in the cross-hairs. At the time of this recording the Board was a go, on 5.18.22 they announced it was on pause …. Duh Biden, anyone can see that this was absorbed.

The Great Wrap-Up

Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - From Now On

Slaughter of the Innocent

A political culture that justifies killing millions of children in the womb is now declaring open season on unwanted newborns. Neglecting newborns until they die! California Bill A.B 2223.

Doing a New Thing

Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - From Now On

Fired for Praying

Courageous coach prays for the safety of players and spirited competition and gets fired. Supreme court seems to be leaning in favor of public praying and comparing it to kneeling to the flag for social injustice.

Awl Shucks

  We are all servants and even slaves to something …. The differen ce is do we love our master and choose to remain in servitude even when we can go free? Listen to how the Old Testament cast a shadow on the our future relationship with Jesus.

Queer Nuns Attack Jesus??

Another attack on Christianity, talk about intolerance and hate, if Jesus were not real and eternal, everyone would ignore us like Islam, Hindus and Buddhist ... being real comes with a price!!

A Pleasing Aroma

  From influencing our emotions … to the flavor of our food, our sense of smell can either embed happy experiences in our memory or produce a gag reflex … come join us for a discussion about what God finds to be “A Pleasing Aroma” … on The Way

End of America Prophecy

  Chuck Pierce prophesies of major split in the U.S. and says to tune into God's call to be ready for fake news, evil narratives and dark culture to be exposed.

Spiritual Stench

  Coffee Break on the Way with Mark Scott Grimmett

Woke Theology and Deconstructionism

  Woke Theology and deconstructionism are invading the church and seeking to mold the Word of God to each individual's desires. They are seeker sensitive theologies on steroids that condone sexual sin, doubt the bible and redefine Jesus.

God's Aroma

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - A Pleasing Aroma

No Resurrection TikTok Pastor

  There is only one sin that will not be forgiven, “blasphemy”, yet we see many so-called Pastors teaching there is no hell, many roads lead to heaven and they do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus. Are they really Christian Pastors?

The Altar of Incense

  There is a powerful weapon for believers to use in a wicked world, but many believers do not learn to use the weapon to overcome even the simplest obstacles, join us for a discussion about the most neglected Christian weapon … The Altar of Incense … on The Way.

Tabernacle Incense

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Mark Scott Grimmett - The Altar of Incense

Altar of Atrophy

  Coffee Break on The Way w/Leslie King - The Altar of Incense